Fat Burner Shot

Benefits of the fat burner

The Ultimate boost for fat burning, energy and endurance during a workout. Meet your goals and get the most out of life…

Main Ingredients:
Lipotropic compounds are aminos used to aid in transporting fat and removing it from the body.
B-Complex vitamins include the family of ‘B’ vitamins which help with defiencies, mood, depression and fogginess.
L-Carnitine is an amino acid that provides extra endurance during a workout and throughout the day.
Vitamin B12 injections help to improve energy levels, boost metabolism and help burn fat.

– Endurance and Energy for Workouts
– Weight Loss and Energy Boost
– Appetite Suppression
– Improves fatigue
– Increases Metabolism
– Helps regulate sleep
– Improves memory and feelings of being ‘foggy’

Recommended: 1-2 times per week



$89 per dose w/ medical consultation



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